Described Taxa

A recent list 112 new species (status Aug. 2014) of fossil insects described in papers authored and/or co-authored by me, can be retrieved with this EDNA databank request [PDF snapshot].


However, this list does not include the 48 new species described in JARZEMBOWSKI et al. (1998), FLECK et al. (2001, 2003, 2004, 2008), MARTILL et al. (2007), NEL & BECHLY (2009), BECHLY & STOCKAR (2011), BECHLY (2012), JATTIOT et al. (2012), NEL et al. (2012), KROGMANN et al. (2013), BECHLY & KIN (2013), and BECHLY & POINAR (2013), as well as 11 further fossil arthropod species described in 2015-2018. Otherwise, I have only described the fossil enteropneust worm Mesobalanoglossus buergeri from the Upper Jurassic Solnhofen Limestone in BECHLY & FRICKHINGER (1999).

Consequently, I have described or co-described 172 new species and numerous new genera and higher taxa, incl. the three new insect orders Schwickertoptera (BECHLY, 2007), Coxoplectoptera (STANICZEK, BECHLY & GODUNKO, 2011), and Permopsocida (HUANG et al., 2016).