My article "The Cambrian Explosion Has Just Gone Nuclear" is featured as "#1 Story of 2021" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (January 1st, 2022).
Interview with me by Fazale Rana for Reasons to Believe about "The Fossil Record & Christianity" (January 12, 2022)
A three hour interview with me about the fossil record as evidence against Neo-Darwinian evolution for the Finding Truth YouTube channel (January 16, 2022).
A 85 minute interview and Q&A with me about "The Fossil Record vs. Evolution" for the Explain International YouTube channel (January 20, 2022).
Interview with me by Casey Luskin for ID the Future podcast (episode 1569) titled "Debunked Transitional Fossils Just the Tip of the Iceberg" (March 2nd, 2022), about the fossil record as evidence against Darwinism.
Video interview with me by Chris Duwe for his podcast "Let's Talk" (March 19, 2022) about the fossil record and intelligent design.
Reposting of an interview with me by Andrew McDiarmid for ID the Future podcast (episode 1576) titled "Günter Bechly Says Goodbye to Darwinian Gradualism" (March 18th, 2022).
Also featured at Evolution News (March 20, 2022).
Transcript of my Discovery Science video interview translated into German language by Markus Till for the AIGG blog (March 25, 2022).
The German Feuerbringer-Magazin (a private blog) featured an article about me by skeptic Andreas Müller titled "Baut euch kein Internet-Weltbild zusammen" (April 10, 2022). The author is strongly opposed to ID theory and as most ID critics he is clueless about the science and misunderstands and misrepresents the central issues, but to his credit he at least avoids the often found vitriol.
Reposting of an interview with me by Sarah Chaffee for ID the Future podcast (episode 1589) titled "Günter Bechly on Fossils and Common Descent, Pt 1" (April 20th, 2022).
Also featured at Evolution News (April 23, 2022).
Reposting of an interview with me by Sarah Chaffee for ID the Future podcast (episode 1590) titled "Günter Bechly on Fossils and Common Descent, Pt 2" (April 22, 2022).
Also featured at Evolution News (April 25, 2022).
My article "Species Pairs: A New Challenge to Darwinists" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (April 25, 2022) introduces a new argument against unguided Darwinian evolution based on molecular clock data.
My article "At the Bottom of the Glass, God Is Waiting" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (April 27, 2022) provides new insights into the history and origin of a famous quote often (mis)attributed to Werner Heisenberg.
My article "Fact Check: Hawaiian Silverswords Fail the Species Pair Challenge" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (May 3, 2022) responds to claims at Peaceful Science that my species pair challenge is met by the Hawaiian Silversword Alliance and other issues raised at this forum.
My testimony for the Full Gospel Business Men's Fellowship - Los Angeles Coed Chapter (May 6, 2022).
My article "Yawn: Atheist YouTuber “Professor Dave” Rants about Intelligent Design" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (May 25, 2022) is the first part of a 3-part article series rebutting the ignorant rants against intelligent design by YouTuber Dave Farina (aka Professor Dave Explains).
Part two of my debunking series titled "Fact-Checking “Professor Dave”: Is the Term “Darwinism” Really Used Only by “Creationists”?" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (May 27, 2022).
The third and final part of this series is titled "Examining “Professor Dave’s” Absurd Attack on Casey Luskin" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (May 31, 2022) and includes my rebuttal of Dave Farina's YouTube rant against intelligent design proponent Casey Luskin and his appearance in the Science Uprising episode on human origins.
Short note "Study: “Most of Our Evolutionary Trees Could Be Wrong”" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (June 2, 2022) about a new study that proves anatomical similarity not to correlate with genetic relationship.
"Deadly Beauty: Golden Rain" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (June 2, 2022), featuring some nature photos as a subtle argument from beauty.
Fossil Friday comes to Evolution News with this first posting: "Fossil Friday: Large Constrictor Snake from the Eocene" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (June 3, 2022).
Brief article "Rare Fossil Preserves a Moment of Deadly Battle — And Recalls a Problem for Darwin" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (June 9, 2022) about a remarkable fossil from the Upper Jurassic Solnhofen limestones featuring a beaked fish feeding on a small pterosaur, both being perfectly preserved in their deadly embrace.
"Fossil Friday: Whip Spider from the Lower Cretaceous" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (June 10, 2022).
"Fossil Friday: A Dead “Living Fossil”" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (June 17, 2022) about a coelacanth from the Lower Cretaceous of Brazil.
My presentation "The Waiting Time Problem and a New Argument against Neo-Darwinism" at the launch event for the Centro Italiano Intelligent Design (CIID) in Turin, Italy (June 18, 2022). Photos courtesy of CIID.
See here for a detailed report about the event.
"Fossil Friday: New Kind of Silverfish Trapped in Sticky Resin" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (June 24, 2022), featuring a new scientific discovery in Eocene Baltic amber.
Part 1 of an interview with me by Casey Luskin for ID the Future podcast (episode 1617) titled "Species Pairs: A New Challenge to Evolutionary Theory" (June 27, 2022), about a new argument against Neo-Darwinism.
Part 2 of the interview with me by Casey Luskin for ID the
Future podcast (episode 1618) titled "Günter Bechly: Species Pairs Wreck Darwinism" (June 29, 2022), about my new argument against
Also featured in this article at Evolution News (July 2, 2022).
"Fossil Friday: Turtles All the Way Down" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (July 1, 2022), also discussing and debunking alleged transitional turtle fossils like Pappochelys.
"Fossil Friday: Dragonfly from the Upper Jurassic" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (July 8, 2022) about my favorite subject and its relation to intelligent design theory.
"Fossil Friday: A Croc Smile from the Cretaceous" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (July 15, 2022), with comments about fossil discontinuities.
Lecture and interview for John David Beling's YouTube channel Mr Beling about the fossil record as evidence against Neo-Darwinism and for intelligent design (July 19, 2022).
Also featured in the article "A Paleontologist Explains Intelligent Design to You" by David Klinghoffer at Evolution News (July 20, 2022).
My article "Fossil Friday: Unknown Cicada from the Cretaceous" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (July 22, 2022) also discusses, why the discontinuities in the history of life cannot be explained away with an imperfection of the fossil record.
My article "Fossil Friday: Dickinsonia, the Ediacaran Animal that Wasn’t" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (July 29, 2022) discusses new evidence against an animal nature of this iconic fossil organism.
Article "Fossil Friday: Treehopper Nymph in Dominican Amber and the Miracle of Mimicry" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (August 5, 2022).
Article "Fossil Friday: A Fossil Butterfly Lookalike" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (August 12, 2022) about a remarkable case of convergence and its implications for ID.
Article "Dreaming Spiders? My Disagreement with Michael Egnor" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (August 12, 2022) about my views on consciousness in "lower" animals and new scientific arguments against panpsychism and an Aristotelian view of nature.
Article "Fossil Friday: The Temporal Paradox of Birds" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (August 19, 2022) about Xiaotingia, Aurornis, and problems for Neo-Darwinism from the avian fossil record.
Article "Fossil Friday: Megalodon and Intelligent Design in Sharks" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (August 26, 2022) about the extinct megatooth shark and complex sensory organs in sharks.
This article made it into the Top 10 stories of 2022 as “#6 Story of 2022: Megalodon and Intelligent Design in Sharks” reposted at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News on December 27, 2022
Article "Fossil Friday: Nectocaris, the Impossible Squid" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (September 2, 2022) about a Cambrian organism with highly disputed affinities.
Article "Fossil Friday: Sahelanthropus, to Be or Not to Be Bipedal" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (September 9, 2022).
Article and featured title story at Salvo Magazine (Issue 62, Fall 2022) titled "A Long Surrender: A Scientist’s Arduous Path from Hard Atheism to Faith" about my personal journey.
(This article is freely available online also for non-subscribers of Salvo)
(An independent Polish translation is available at the Contra Gentiles website)
Also featured in the article "Günter Bechly’s Journey to Faith" by David Klinghoffer at Evolution News (October 7, 2022).
Article "Fossil Friday: Rhenocystis and the Controversial Calcichordate Hypothesis" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (September 16, 2022) about one of the great scientific controversies of the 20th century.
Article "Fossil Friday: Darwinius, or How Wishful Thinking Makes a Missing Link" at Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (September 23, 2022) about a massively overhyped fossil that turned out to be no missing link at all.
Speaking engagements and other scheduled events for 2022: