Article "Did Cloudinids Have the Guts to be Worms" on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News from January 7, 2020 about the alleged discovery of the oldest fossil gut system from Ediacaran fossils.
Darwinist cockroach Bill Needle comments vulgar and incompetent as always at his Marmotism blog (Jan. 30, 2020).
Norwegian Article about me titled "Tok «feil» bøker med hjem" by Dag Erlandsen (based on paper by Karsten Pultz) at the biocosmos website (Jan. 21, 2020).
Article "The Oldest Scorpion and the Decadence of Evolutionary Science" on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News from January 21, 2020.
David Klinghoffer commented in "Scientific “Decadence” and the Myth of Objectivity" at Evolution News from January 22, 2020. And Uncommon Descent commented "Gunter Bechly On The Decadence Of Evolutionary Science" on January 25, 2020.
Renowned arthropologist Prof. William Shear agreed at the Paleoentomology Facebook group (January 23, 2020) that the scorpion paper "is turning into a classic example of over-hyped paleontology" and confirmed that my "critique of this paper is quite valid".
Of course, wannabe expert Bill Needle thinks he knows better and commented "A Gunter Bechly Intelligent Design Creationism Propaganda Shitpost About Nothing!" at his Marmotism blog (Febr. 14, 2020). This deplorable fellow clearly has mental issues.
The Evolution News article "A Bridge Too Far? In Search of Precambrian Sponges" (Sept. 22, 2020) provides an update with the refutation of Namapoikia as metazoan animal.
The new German book "Schwarzbuch Wikipedia" edited by Andreas Mäckler and published at zeitgeist on February 28, 2020 reports about censorship, fakenews and cyber mobbing at Wikipedia and also includes a chapter by me titled "Happy Darwin Day! Zensor des Jahres ist Wikipedia".
There also is a Facebook page.
Favorable German review "Wikipedia: Die Im Dunkeln Sieht Man NIcht" by Prof. Walter Krämer at Die Achse des Guten (April 20, 2020), who was a member of the scientific council of the German skeptic organization GWUP.
Article "Ancestor of All Animals in 555-Million-Year-Old Ediacaran Sediments?" on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News from March 26, 2020 about the alleged discovery of the oldest bilaterian animal from the Ediacaran.
Featured as "Was The “Ancestor Of All Animals” Really Identified Recently?" at Uncommon Descent (March 28, 2020).
Danish article "Tysk palæontolog forkaster Darwin" by Karsten Pultz about me at Intelligent Design DK (March 14, 2020)."
"Interview: Gunter Bechly Paleontologist" at R.C. Kunst's blog Theology Fellow (March 28, 2002) about the theory of evolution and its problems with special reference to the fossil record .
Interview with me by Andrew McDiarmid for ID the Future podcast titled "Günter Bechly Says Goodbye to Darwinian Gradualism" (April 6, 2020).
Interview with me by Andrew McDiarmid for ID the Future podcast titled "Günter Bechly: Still More Evidence Against Darwinian Gradualism" (April 8, 2020).
In this YouTube video lecture "Stephen Meyer Investigates Scientific Evidence for Intelligent Design (Lecture 1)" and also presents my story at timecode 3:28-5:10 (published by Discovery Institute on April 15, 2020).
Invited presentation "A Journey from Atheism to Christianity and Intelligent Design" (April 22, 6-7 pm EST, 134 attendees) with Q&A for the annual meeting of the Christian Scientific Society, that was this year held as an online webinar because of the Covid-19 crisis.
The Danish book "Enter ID: Videnskaben udforderer Darwin" by Karsten Pultz (2020) features my story (pp. 25-28) and part of my paleontological work for intelligent design theory (chapter 6, pp. 121-133).
Article "The Myth of Precambrian Sponges" on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News from May 26, 2020 debunking all alleged evidence for fossil sponges prior to the Cambrian Explosion.
At his Marmotism blog Bill Needle responded on May 18 with another inept rant of ad hominem and strawman fallacies without adressing any of the scientific arguments. Unfortunately, this is quite typical for ignorant science deniers like him, who are driven by their dogmatic world view rather than by a rational analysis of the empirical evidence.
Distinguished fossil sponge specialist Dr. Joseph Botting had a much more positive view during a brief exchange at the Facebook group The Cambrian Period on September 18, 2020:
Article "The Demise of the Artifact Hypothesis" on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News from July 6, 2020 about modern evidence against the artifact hypothesis, which tried to explain away the abruptness of the Cambrian Explosion as an artifact of an incomplete fossil record in the preceding Ediacaran era.
First part of my article "Namacalathus, an Ediacaran Lophophorate Animal?" on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News from July 9, 2020 about another alleged Ediacaran animal.
Second part of my article "Namacalathus, Alleged Ediacaran “Animal,” Fails to Refute Abrupt Cambrian Explosion" on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News from July 10, 2020 about another alleged Ediacaran animal.
Zoom presentation and Q&A about the waiting-time-project for Discovery Institute's The Sixteenth Annual Insiders Briefing on Intelligent Design in Seattle (USA) with 188 attendees (Aug. 8, 2020). This year as online event because of the Covid-19 crisis.
German article "Ein Evolutionsbiologe beginnt zu zweifeln" about me at the Jesus Christus Wiki (Aug. 8, 2020).
14 part article series on the Ediacaran organism Kimberella on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News (complete series here):
The article "Bechly Series: No Ancestors for Cambrian Animals; Darwin’s Doubt Remains" by David Klinghoffer at Evolution News (Sept. 24, 2020) provides links to the whole the series in chronological order with some kind comments.
On September 8, 2020 the journal Palaeontologia Electronica published a link to the first part of my article series on their Facebook page, and anti-ID activists immediately went ballistic (see screenshot right).
Just a view minutes later the usual censorship worked and the link was deleted with an obeisant apology:
Life interview via Zoom on the question "Wozu hat Gott zunächst mächtige Dinosaurier geschaffen und dann wieder austerben lassen?" (in German) for the YouTube channel of the Freie Christengemeinde Frankenthal (September 8, 2020).
Interview with me by Andrew McDiarmid for ID the Future podcast titled "The Demise of the Artifact Hypothesis" (Oct. 5, 2020).
Danish article "Dr. Bechly: Slut med artefakthypotesen" by Karsten Pultz about my podcast on the demise of artifact hypothesis at Intelligent Design DK (October, 2020).
Danish article "Status over ID i 2020" by Karsten Pultz about me and my revision of alleged Precambrian sponges at Intelligent Design DK (December, 2020).
Promo video "Scientist Günter Bechly on the Importance of a Platform to Debate Darwin" for the Discovery Science YouTube channel (Dec. 22, 2020).
Also featured in the article "Günter Bechly: Welcome to the Underground" at Evolution News (Dec. 22, 2020), and "If You Get Canceled, Like Paleontologist Gunter Bechly, Where Do You Go?" at Uncommon Descent (Dec. 23, 2022).
An anonymous Darwinist coward commented "Welcome to the Intelligent Design Underground" at The Sensuous Curmudgeon blog (Dec. 22, 2020).
"#2 Story of 2020: Kimberella Is No Solution to the Cambrian Conundrum" on Discovery Institute's site Evolution News from December 31, 2020.
Speaking engagements and other scheduled events for 2020: